Run Riot
︎ 2023
︎Unreal Engine
︎After Effects
I spearheaded the creative and art direction for the release of Djibouti's and Feinte's debut album, producing the album cover, music video, custom characters, and merchandise.
My goal was to create custom 3D characters that could travel through different worlds in each song, visually reinforcing the theme of "Run Riot." I rigged the characters to give them fluid movement, emphasizing their constant journey and the idea of always being in motion, which is key for a dance album. For the single cover, I depicted the characters falling in a hot air balloon, symbolizing their transition into new realms and setting the stage for the album’s narrative of continuous exploration.
The final album cover is a 2D extrapolation of a silhouetted character radiating outward, capturing the essence of rapid expansiveness. My focus was to ensure every visual element added depth to the storytelling, enriching the songs with a strong visual narrative.
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